Oceanguard • Restoring the Balance
Captain Nemo Jr and the Guardians of the Reef
This animated series, conceived in 1995 , long before "Finding Nemo", is the brainchild of Frank Shields with character art design by Frantz Kantor.
These are the goofy characters that befriend the son of the fabled Captain Nemo when he crashes his midget "Nautilus" submarine on the Great Barrier Reef.
Captain Nemo Jr helps our fish characters save their habitat from the evil Commander and his ruthless gang of crown of thorns starfish. They in turn lead Captain Nemo Jr on an adventurous journey along the Great Barrier Reef to reunite him with his father.
Character designs by © Frantz Kantor.
WHITEY, the Great White Shark, is a cantankerous fellow, a bit of a "stirrer"
ANGEL, the Angel Fish,
always dependable
GRUMPY, the Grouper, is always depressed about something
POP, the Porcupine Fish,
is the “Grandpa” of the Reef
MONTY, the Manta Ray, is big, timid, posh speaking
KRAZY, the Crocodile,
a funny "Joe Cool" character
YAKKA, the Parrot Fish, never stops "yakking", drives everyone crazy
COCO, the Clown Fish, is always playing around, forever darting around
DIZZY, the Dolphin, is very young and silly but warm and loving
THE COMMANDER, is the leader of a crown of thorns starfish gang