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Get Involved

The most direct way to help Oceanguard is by raising funds for activities to help restore the ecological balance of the Great Barrier Reef and stop the ongoing outbreaks of crown of thorn starfish.


All activities below need your support to keep the plan effectively moving forward.

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Education via Social Media

Oceanguard aims to involve everyone concerned with saving the Great Barrier Reef via websites and various social media platforms. Please share our message and inform your friends and colleagues of the campaign.

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Engaging the Public

Touring Art Exhibition

A major audio-visual art exhibition of Australia's national treasure – the Great Barrier Reef – is planned to tour Australia's major cities, and later the world. The purpose of the exhibition is about saving coral reefs and preserving ocean life. Presented on interactive LED touch-screens featuring the most advanced audio-visual technology. Created by Melbourne artist, Frantz Kantor.

Captain Nemo Jr and
the Guardians of the Reef

An animation series based around a goofy bunch of marine characters that inhabit a small coral reef which is under threat. The son of the legendary Captain Nemo crashes his midget “Nautilus” on the Great Barrier Reef and is rescued by these fish characters with names such as GRUMPY the Grouper, MONTY the Manta Ray, POP the Porcupine Fish, ANGEL the Angel Fish. YAKKA the Parrot Fish, WHITEY the White Shark and COCO the Clown Fish, They are also the mascots and promotional icons of the OCEANGUARD SOCIETY.

Character designs by © Frantz Kantor.
Reefaid - The Concert

A major music concert is planned to be beamed by satellite around the globe, to promote "Save the Triton Campaign".


This concert will help to fund a rescue plan to stem the ongoing destruction of the Great Barrier Reef by the crown of thorns starfish and restore the Reef's ecological balance.

Oceanguard Explorer

The Great Barrier Reef ecosystem is under threat.  We are planning a documentary voyage to capture the majesty of the Reef before further damage occurs.


This ambitious expedition is expected to take two years. The voyage will also cater for eco-tourism which opens up the educational outreach to an international audience. Daily online web and social media updates of the voyage will benefit school studies and public outreach globally.

Ride for the Reef

Follow 12 cyclists live online as they ride 16,000 km's around Australia to raise support for a rescue plan for the Great Barrier Barrier Reef before it's too late. The lead rider will be an international name and for some light relief the squad, made up of “characters” will include a zany comedian dressed in Lycra called STERLING MAN.

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