Oceanguard • Restoring the Balance

The “Save the Triton” campaign was triggered by Science's inability to induce larval settlement of the triton. Culture of this critical, predatory, reef species has been attempted by numerous researchers in Japan, Thailand, Korea and Australia over the last 50 years. This species must be regarded as endangered at least until it can be cultured in a laboratory.

The Great Barrier Reef
is the largest living organism on the planet.
Running 2,000 kilometres down the North East coast of Australia, a myriad of over 2,500 reefs and islands cover an area of 350,000 square kilometres of ocean. This greatest of all coral ecosystems supports 350 species of coral, 1,500 species of fish and thousands of molluscs, making it one of the most biodiverse communities in the world.
So... we have to get serious about controlling the devastating onslaught of crown of thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef!
Save the Triton
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The Great Barrier Reef is under siege by a fourth outbreak of coral eating crown of thorns starfish (COTS).
The Oceanguard Society has been set up to implement a practical, four step plan to eradicate these COTS outbreaks to restore the ecological balance to the reef as soon as possible.
Watch this video >>>
Please support our mission!
We cannot do it without you!

Oceanguard is planning many activities and events to raise awareness and funding to put the plan into action as soon as possible.
Join us...

• Touring Art Exhibition
• Ride for the Reef
• Captain Nemo Jr and the Guardians of the Reef
• ReefAid - The Concert
• The Blue Bottle Bus
• Oceanguard Explore